Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Terry Knows All

Another day in the life of Republican extremism.

Today it is Randall Terry, founder of the anti-abortion rights Operation Rescue, whose website includes the following press release announcing an unusual contest (video below):

See video of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid "Burn in Hell" for putting child-killing in health care, instruction video on how to burn Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid "in hell," and rules for entering video competition of Pelosi and Reid "burning in hell."

Photo: Clip from Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid Burn in Hell Video

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid Burn in Hell Video:

Instructions and Rules for Holding "Burn in Hell" Protest, Making "Burn in Hell" Video, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Prizes for "Burn in Hell" Video contestants:

Randall Terry states: "Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are like hardened criminals; they are bent on 'holding a gun' to American taxpayers, and stealing our money to force us to pay for the murder of babies under so-called 'health care.'

"So, in the spirit of American political protest and Halloween, we are opening a competition for creating a video of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid 'burning in hell' for their part in forcing us to pay for murder."

"Burn in Hell" Contest rules are as follows:

Join a Contest! Win Prizes!

Who Can make the best "Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid BURN IN HELL!" video?

First prize: Expenses paid for weekend here in DC during Roe vs Wade anniversary, Jan 22-24, including pro-life training seminar (Includes travel stipend!), and full Insurrecta Nex television series.

Second Prize: 2 Sets of Insurrecta Nex training series, and two sets of all books authored by Randall Terry. (One set for you, one for your Church.)

Third Prize: 1 Set Insurrecta Nex training series.

In addition, all Contestants will receive a free copy of episodes 1-4 of Insurrecta Nex.

Send link of your video by NOVEMBER 15, 2009 to:

Legal Mumbo Jumbo: Obey local laws on open flames; be careful; if under 18, do not burn Nancy Pelosi in effigy unless your mom or dad is with you, and gives you permission, and strikes the match; do not burn yourself; do not burn another human being; do not burn small animals; do not burn large animals; do not burn anyone from PETA; and remember: this is not a threat to Nancy Pelosi's or Harry Reid's is a prophetic witness of what awaits them when they die if they do not repent for this horrific sin.

Now, if you look at the “big picture,” you might observe that the video and the contest are near-incitements to violence. Or you might be disturbed at the vile hatred spewed forth. Or you might be awaiting a congressional resolution blasting Mr. Terry, much as Democrats were cowed into condemning

Or you might observe that Terry, once a Protestant but now a convert to Roman Catholicism, assumes nearly psychic powers as he writes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid “it is a prophetic witness of what awaits them when they die if they do not repent for this horrific sin.”

There has been wide disagreement for two thousand years over who gets a ticket to heaven, and why, with even some Christians neglecting the words of the apostle Paul or those of Jesus Christ. No matter: there is little disagreement about what God meant when he told Moses (Exodus 33:19b) “I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion”; or as restated (quoted) in the New Testament, “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”

Randall Terry proposes to substitute his judgement for that of the God to whom he claims allegiance, apparently unaware of the simple advice cutting across all doctrines: “clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”


1 comment:

Dan said...

so i'm sure you've heard in different accounts that Dick Cheney began to avidly read intelligence after 9/11, reading it raw. This gave him alot of scary info that wasn't filtered or summarized or anything, and many believe that this gave him a warped perspective that was entirely on stopping terrorism at any cost, since he read crazy things every day.

I feel like you could become the liberal dick cheney because you keep going to the raw sources of radicalism, like this group and rush, etc. Remember these aren't what most americans believe or accept, and they are limited in impact.

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