Saturday, November 16, 2024

If Only We Could Imagine There is No Tulsi

Former Democrat, now an independent (sort of) partial to Republicans, Tulsi Gabbard is expected to be nominated by Donald Trump by Donald Trump to be the Director of National Intelligence. On an unrelated matter, she is particularly exorcised by the acceptance of most Democrats of gender transition treatment for children. In May, we learned

Tulsi Gabbard, the former Hawaii congresswoman known for criticizing the Democratic Party, says Democratic elites have put themselves in the place of God and seek to erase the deity from American public life.

A former Democrat, Ms. Gabbard slammed the Biden-Harris administration for “using the tools of government [to target] different people, particularly Christians.”

“This is the fundamental precept of our country, this freedom of religion,” Ms. Gabbard said in a telephone interview before a multi-state book tour. “It’s important for voters to know and to understand what’s going on here and the dangerous mindset that’s driving it.”

She is promoting her new book, “For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind.”

“Many of those who are in great positions of power in the Democratic Party, whether they admit it or not, or realize it or not, they see themselves as God. They appoint themselves as the authority,” she said. “They view themselves as the ones who get to decide how we live our lives, what we’re allowed to say, who we’re allowed to hear from [and] how we get our information.”

“They’re most recently [decided] that things that are objectively true are not, such as the biological differences between men and women,” said Ms. Gabbard, the first Hindu and first Samoan-American to become a member of Congress in 2013.

It's quite a trick to see yourselves as something but not realize it. It may even be impossible- if one does not realize something, one does not see himself as that.

Either Tulsi Gabbard is confused about this or it is a feint. We're expected to believe that someone who slams Democratic officeholders for "see(ing) themselves as God" is herself a woman of deep religious faith. And indeed, the former congresswoman may be a woman of faith- in Bashar al-Assad or Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping. However, she is not someone with faith in God. This is her below:


And these are some of the lyrics to that awful- "godawful" obviously would not apply- song written by John Lennon and performed by the Beatles: 

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky

Imagine all the people
Livin' for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

Imagine there's no heaven.... and no religion, too. Enjoy the song- the lyrics, the melody, the lyrics and the melody- if you wish. Difference of opinion is what makes horse races. Feel free to worship your God, enjoy the song, and sing it in your home. But allowing yourself to appear in a YouTube video singing a song promoting atheism and the erasure of religion, then denouncing a political party for real or imagined affrontery to God, is hypocrisy with a capital H (Hypocrisy, then).

Hypocrisy is not the worst thing about Tulsi Gabbard. Her fondness if for the strongmen who run Syria and Russia is far more serious. Still, it reveals a side of Gabbard's character that is stunningly loathsome.

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