Saturday, May 01, 2021

That Problem

Governor Jim Justice is is from West Virginia and rarely if ever is mentioned as a possible national candidate. Thus, he thus has nothing to fear from this:


In the video (below) of the full transaction between Justice and Ruhle, the latter notes  "West Virginia ranks 47th in health care, 48th in the economy, and 50th in infrastructure." Why, Ruhle asks, "would he make this a priority?" Instead, she might ask "why am I making this a priority?"

"Stephanie, I didn't make it a priority," Justice succinctly responded. Not being a national politician nor one from a diverse state, Justice then defensively added "it wasn't my bill." "It wasn't my bill" would have sounded better as "It wasn't my bill but in all matters, I'm with the people of West Virginia and their values."

Were that not the case, the GOP-controlled state legislature wouldn't have enacted a law which personally offends liberals and progressives and much of the mainstream media, and which might incur a Georgia-style corporate backlash.  By contrast, it's unlikely that Americans generally welcome transgender girls participating in girls sports in schools. Two months ago, The Washington Post noted

Conservatives make little secret of their view that highlighting women’s sports is an advantageous way for them to frame the discussion, rather than debating the right of transgender people to be treated like everyone else.

Terry Schilling, executive director of the American Principles Project, has long been trying to shape a message on transgender policy for Republican political candidates. The group’s polling last year, he said, suggests that many voters — including Biden supporters and those who otherwise back LGBTQ rights — oppose letting athletes who were assigned male at birth compete in women’s sports.

“We found that the women’s sports issue was not only exceptionally powerful, but it also had the benefit of not being exclusive,” Schilling said. “It was something that our organization could convince politicians to champion.”

James Carville identifies "faculty lounge politics" as a practice undermining Democrats with rural voters. Determined not to be self-destructive, he does not directly address gender and race but instead the "wokeness" seemingly characterized by the Democratic Party's obsession with those two topics. While West Virginia has serious problems with poverty and other aspects of quality of life, Stephanie Ruhle spends nearly three minutes arguing with the state's governor about- of all things- transgender athletes, and the the cultural left crows because it believes he's being owned. The appropriate response:



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