Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Right Thing To Do

As hundreds of thousands of people demonstrate in Hong Kong, Santiago, London, and Lebanon, a snowflake is heard from in Washington, D.C.

This did not go well individuals on Twitter. One noted that Hillary Clinton committed no crimes, unlike President Trump, and even was exonerated by the Trump-dominant Justice Department recently. This came six months after Special Counsel Mueller concluded that had he been able to exonerate President Trump of obstruction of justice, he would have.

Other tweets noted that the the chant at Nationals Park arose spontaneously in a public place and were directed at a President under investigation for impeachment. By contrast, the choreographed "lock her up" chant was led by Michael Flynn, now a convicted felon, at the Republican National Convention.

Someone observed that Donald Trump has encouraged the Attorney General, whom he considers his private attorney, to investigate Hillary Clinton, a prerogative not possessed by the fans at the World Series.  An accomplished journalist asks three pertinent questions:
When a tweeter argues "it might be nice if the word saw that most Americans do not support" Donald Trump, she suggests a crucial factor in America's influence in the world. South Koreans heard the President when he said that he was concerned only with Pyongyang having missiles which could strike the USA and not with those which could be launched against South Korea.  When Trump questions Article 5 of the UN Charter, complains that NATO allies spend less than does the USA on defense, threatens privately to withdraw from NATO, or directly cozies up to Vladimir Putin, members of the trans-Atlantic alliance recognize that stability of the continent is threatened.

And when President Trump withdraws soldiers from northern Syria (video from 10/21/19)and welcomes Bashar Assad to "clean out" our Kurdish allies, Kurds realize they must go elsewhere, even to Russia, for an ally.So when fans at the World Series boo Donald Trump or even call for his imprisonment, they are doing us all a favor. Donald Trump is not a king. He is President for now, an aberration. He will not be President forever, and he's not who we are. It's important that the world understands that- and that the United States of America keeps its word- even if Joe Scarborough doesn't.

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It Is the Guns, Ben

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