Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Article II Is Just The Beginning

The money quote comes at the end when Donald Russia remarks "and I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty." Individuals cannot be disloyal to any person or institution to which they're not related and as in this case, to any country in which they're neither citizens nor residents.

And so New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg tweets out a screen shot of the "NYT right now (which) looks like one of those pre-election parodies about what a Trump administration would be like," which includes "Trump Accuses Jewish Democrats of 'Disloyalty,' Inciting Fierce Backlash"." Also: "New Rule Would Let U.S. Hold Migrant Families Indefinitely;" "NRA Gets Results in One Phone Call With the President;" and "Mr. Trump also canceled a meeting with Demnark over its refusal to sell Greenland. The rare snub drew condemnation."

With a few exceptions, The New York Times has been fulfilling its vital role, as has The Washington Post, and probably a few other newspapers with national, or at least regional, reach. At least if Donald Trump is re-elected, they will not have contributed to the tragedy, unlike Saturday Night Live and some of the other sources of the parodies in the 2016 election cycle which only made Trump appear more likable to voters.

Maybe it's time to recognize that racism, misogyny, and anti-Semitism, though reprehensible, are symptoms of a larger narrative continually being played out. On Wednesday morning, Trump sent out a series of three tweets quoting a supporter of the ultra-right conspiratorialist set:

Donald Russia does not himself believe that he is Jesus Christ, A/K/A the Son of Man, Son of God, Bread of Life, Redeemer, Chief Cornerstone (not St, Peter, take note), Risen Lord, the Resurrection and the Life. He merely is glad others do so, and hopes to normalize the sentiment. He already has cornered the secular market on power, for four weeks ago

Trump lamented the duration and cost of the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election led by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, which he has repeatedly said found “no collusion, no obstruction.”

“Then, I have an Article II, where I have to the right to do whatever I want as president,” he said. “But I don’t even talk about that.”

However, there is now even less reason to exercise powers he imagines he is given by the framers of the constitution, who were mere men, thus mortals. He has warned us, foreshadowed the powers he expects to assume if and when he is re-elected.  He will no longer be acting only under the authority of a a 350-year old fallible document. Rather, the voters will have given him the mandate to claim all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

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Donald Trump knows. He knows that it's open season, as it always is,  on the opposition party. The President mentioned Joe Biden on thi...