A fairly obscure fellow remarks
Thirty-seven year-old Ilhan Omar was born and raised in Somalia and was elected in November to replace Keith Ellison in Minnesota's fifth district. As a nutrition coordinator with Minnesota's Department of Education in 2012, Omar tweeted
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Of course Bari Weiss picks MLK Day to run a hit piece on a Black freshman Congresswoman 😘👌🏾— Matthew Elliot (@matttbastard) January 21, 2019
Thirty-seven year-old Ilhan Omar was born and raised in Somalia and was elected in November to replace Keith Ellison in Minnesota's fifth district. As a nutrition coordinator with Minnesota's Department of Education in 2012, Omar tweeted
Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. #Gaza #Palestine #Israel— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) November 16, 2012
The New York Times' Bari Weiss wrote Monday that Omar has
been "dogged" by this sentence and
On Thursday, CNN’s Poppy Harlow pressed her again: “I wonder
just what your message is this morning as the first on our Game Changer series
to Jewish-Americans who find that deeply offensive.”
“That’s a really regrettable way of expressing that,” Ms.
Omar said of the anchor’s question. “I don’t know how my comments would be
offensive to Jewish Americans. My comments precisely are addressing what was
happening during the Gaza War and I’m clearly speaking about the way the
Israeli regime was conducting itself in that war.”
Well, first, as Omar (Weiss, also) doesn't understand,
there is no such thing as "Jewish Americans" anymore than there are
"Protestant Americans" or "Catholic Americans."
Additionally, there is plenty of reason American Jews would not be amused.
After briefly summarizing the history of "the myth of the wily Jewish
manipulator of those in power," Weiss explains
the biggest “Jew” today in the demonology of modern
anti-Semitism is the Jewish state, Israel. While there are perfectly legitimate
criticisms that one can make of Israel or the actions of its government — and I
have never been shy about making them — those criticisms cross the line into
anti-Semitism when they ascribe evil, almost supernatural powers to Israel in a
manner that replicates classic anti-Semitic slanders.
During the weeklong November 2012 war, which began when
Hamas fired roughly 100 rockets at civilian targets, Israel “hypnotized”
nobody. It was subject to the usual barrage of intense criticism in the news
media and at the United Nations, and from the leaders of other nations, not to
mention protesters across the world. That Israel continues to retain support in
the United States among mainstream Democrats and Republicans is because —
contrary to Ms. Omar’s tweet — the Jewish state is not engaged in “evil
doings,” but defending itself against the enemies pressing on all of its
borders, including Hamas, which has genocide of the Jews, and a belief in
Jewish manipulative power, at the heart of its ideology. The original Hamas
charter from 1988, only recently revised, claimed that the Jews orchestrated
the French and Russian revolutions and both world wars.
Contrary to Mr. Elliot's implication, there is no
suggestion from Ms. Weiss that Representative Omar stated or believes as she
does because Omar is black. Further, the
suggestion that criticism of criticism of Israel as "evil" and
duplicitous is contrary to the spirit of Dr. King is bizarre. Weiss notes
Those who call themselves anti-Zionists usually insist they
are not anti-Semites. But I struggle to see what else to call an ideology that
seeks to eradicate only one state in the world — the one that happens to be the
Jewish one — while empathetically insisting on the rights of self-determination
for every other minority. Israeli Jews, descended in equal parts from people
displaced from Europe and the Islamic world, are barely 6.5 million of the
world’s 7.7 billion people. What is it about them, exactly, that puts them
beyond the pale?
(In the interest of full disclosure: Weiss criticizes Omar
also for having implied that Senator Graham is being blackmailed because he is
gay. I'm unconvinced the congresswoman is wrong.)
Stupid- or rather grotesquely misleading- comments regarding
Martin Luther King are the province of conservative Republicans and a few
random twitters such as Mr. Elliot.
Oklahoma Senator James Lankford, a loyal follower of Donald Trump,
reducing the message of social and economic justice activist King to a boy scout
helping little old ladies across the street, when he comments "If there's
anything we should have learned from Martin Luther King Jr., [it] is: Hate
doesn't drive out hate; only love drives out hate." Vice President Pence equated President Trump with Dr. King because both "inspired us to change."
But distorting the message of Martin Luther King Jr. is what are conservative Republicans do. It's
disconcerting when the Democratic Party now counts as one of its own a United
States Representative who made a fairly disgusting remark a few years ago and
now claims she does not understand "how my comments would be offensive
to" Jews. In this case at least, inexperience is no excuse for ignorance.
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