Sunday, November 04, 2018


Rest assured, Mr. President. Your sentiments are held by many others and your voice will continue to be heard. CNN reports

Rallying supporters in Montana on Saturday at an crisp airport rally outside Bozeman, President Donald Trump blasted Sen. Jon Tester for opposing Kavanaugh.

The President dwelled extensively on Justice Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation — and repeatedly misled the crowd about the sexual misconduct allegations made against him, blaming Democrats for a "filthy, dirty lie."

He amplified the argument he made on Twitter earlier today, not mentioning the name of Kavanaugh's accusers but suggesting all have recanted their stories, which isn't true.

"One of his accusers just came out a little while ago and said it was all a lie and said she never met now Justice Kavanaugh. It was a made up story. She made up the story. It was a lie. It was a total like. It was fake. You know what fake means? It was fake. She lied about the story about rape. About rape, she lied And we’re supposed to sit back and take it."

The President need not be worried.  Men hostile to women and/or blacks have heard not a dogwhistle, but your bullhorn.  Gregory Bush of Louisville, Kentucky, Cesar Sayoc of Aventura, Florida, and Robert Bowers of Pittsburgh most recently have heeded his sentiments, internalized his values, and are not sitting back and taking it. And now, 40-year-old Paul Beierle of Deltona, Florida  on Friday evening

opened fire inside a yoga studio in Tallahasse, Florida, and shot six women, killing two, a doctor and a college student, before eventually turning his gun on himself. The shooter’s motive was not immediately clear, but subsequent reports on his online life revealed that the man held misogynistic and racist views, and may have subscribed to the anti-women “incel” ideology. It is thus possible the attack was motivated by far-right extremism, and if so, that would make it the fourth attack — and third deadly attack — perpetrated by a right-wing extremist in the U.S. in less than two weeks.

This, too:

Three of the four attacks involved firearms, and the NRA and other 'gun for everyone' advocates bear some responsibility. However, these acts of domestic terrorism (or what would be considered terrorism, were the perpetrators Muslim) have grown in the fertile soil intentionally prepared by Donald Trump.  There will be more crimes of this nature, and more still if the President can credibly claim victory from the results of November 6.

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