Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Redemption To Come, Maybe

Not only Donald Trump but Wilbur, also, may be in more trouble than we thought.

Not Wilbur the architect seen above, of course, because he died last year at the age of 96.  Instead, Wilbur Ross' days may be numbered.  Bob Cesca noticed this curious exchange a couple of days ago on Fox News Sunday:

Chris Wallace: Is [there] any surveillance of people in Trump World, or do we think there was surveillance of other people like [Russian] Ambassador Kislyak, and that these folks who were talking with him were incidentally swept up in the conversation in the intercepts?

Nunes: Well, if you look at the folks that are working at the White House, uh, today that are involved in the Trump — in the Trump administration, I don’t think there’s any but one there that’s under any type of investigation or surveillance activities at all.

As Cesca notes, the target is not General Flynn, who no longer is in the Administration, and is not likely Rex Tillerson, despite his business interests in Russia. It more likely is

Wilbur Ross, Trump’s 89-year-old newly confirmed secretary of commerce. We know that Ross was previously the vice chairman and 1.6-percent shareholder in the Bank of Cyprus, a sleazy money laundering outfit used by Russian oligarchs to funnel untold billions in cash. One of those oligarchs who washed his fortune through the Bank of Cyprus is Dmitry Rybolovlev, the “King of Fertilizer” in Russia, who also happened to purchase a ridiculously expensive property in Florida from Trump at a massive $60 million profit for the current president — in fact, it was the most expensive single home sale in the history of the United States.

"This was lost in Monday's headlines," Cesca noted.  Nearly everything would be lost in the news that, as reported in Wired

FBI Director Comey stated for the first time that the agency he leads is investigating Russia-Trump ties. “I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI as part of our counterintelligence mission is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the United States’ 2016 presidential election,” Comey told the House committee. “That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

But the significance of even that was downplayed, for

The timing of the investigation no doubt raise the hackles of Democrats, given that while the FBI kept the Trump campaign investigation secret for months, it made repeated public statements about an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server—including a letter Comey himself wrote to Congress about the investigation a week before election day.

James Comey will conduct a fair and thorough investigation and plumb to the depths any possible violation, pundits seem to believe.   Left unsaid is that Donald Trump- who as President can fire the FBI director- owes James Comey.  If Trump has any concept of loyalty, he'll allow almost anything to come out of Comey's FBI because it's likely without Comey's unprofessional, even reprehensible, handling of the Clinton  investigation, Donald Trump would be back in Manhattan today scamming everyone he could.

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