Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Four More Years, Again

The rescue of the American automobile industry by the Obama Adminstration was a tremendous example of the ability of big government to pump new life into an entire industry, save tens of thousands of jobs, and rejuvenate a state's economy. The President took well-deserved credit when he spoke Tuesday at a UAW rally. David Edwards at The Raw Story reports

At that point, the president detoured from his prepared remarks to explain just how much he liked Chevy's new electric car.

"Secret Service wouldn't let me drive it," he joked.    "But I liked sitting in it.    It was nice.   I bet it drives real good."

"And five years from now when I'm not president anymore, I'll buy one and drive it myself!"    Obama exclaimed, prompting the enthusiastic audience to chant, "Four more years!     Four more years!:

This chant previously had been heard at least twice on behalf of President Obama's re-election bid.     Consider:

... in September, 2011 in Los Angeles:

.... and in October, 2011 in Asheville, N.C.:

But Obama enthusiasts are not the first to invoke the phrase.    the earliest I know of occurred 34 years ago in support of a Repub incumbent:

I think we know how that ended.

And now it's invoked on behalf of Barack Obama- and with no sense of irony.

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