Wednesday, May 27, 2009

From Your Humble Blogger

As recounted in this adoring Associated Press article, Appellate Court Judge Sotomayor, in her comments upon being nominated for the Supreme Court by President Obama, remarked

That emotion will never leave me- humility. A deep, deep sense of humility...

Compare this to the comic strip from "The Born Loser" of May 15:

The Born Loser

This, of course, says nothing of the fitness of Appellate Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor to be elevated to the United States Supreme Court. It is of a sort with statements made by many politicians (Democratic, Republican, or otherwise) and even more, commonly, by professional athletes and other celebrities. But it should remind us that to declare ourselves "humble" or "humbled" is a little like declaring ourselves "modest." Can't be true.

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