Monday, November 03, 2008

McCain's Newest Hero

At a rally last week in Mentor, Ohio, John McCain described Joe Wurzelbacher as"a great citizen of Ohio and my role model."

You can view below on YouTube below John McCain's role model explaining why he doubts Barack Obama's patriotism: "You know, McCain has fought and bled for our country, loves our country. There's too many questions with Barack Obama and his loyalty to our country and I question that greatly."

John S. McCain: Naval aviator. Prisoner of War. War hero. Navy liason to United States Senate. Member of United States House of Representatives. Member of United States Senate. Candidate for President of the United States (2000). Nominee of his party for President of the United States (2008).

And now at age 72,after idolizing a former two-term President (Ronald Reagan) and a respected General (David Petraeus), his hero now is.... Joe Wurzelbacher?

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