Sunday, June 08, 2008

Another Thought on Obama/Wright

Sometimes I read a blog posting and know there is something I like about it but can't quite focus on what it is. And so it was that this evening I happened to reread an item posted by the usually insightful and always objective Joan Walsh on the site. Though generally, and in this case, reasonably favorable to Barack Obama, Walsh on June 1 noted:

But Obama's decision to leave his church of 20 years just two months after his Philadelphia speech on race, in which he said he wouldn't, was a little confusing. Has Trinity changed? Obama doesn't say that. Either he attended the church for 20 years and knew that gratuitous anti-white rhetoric was accepted there, and didn't care until he was running for president, or his church affiliation was mainly a political one and he wasn't paying much attention.

Barack Obama throughout his campaign has touted his commitment to Jesus Christ. Either he was in church enough to know what Jeremiah Wright was all about, or he wasn't there, in which case his personal relationship with his Savior did not extend to making an effort on Sunday mornings.

Pundits have self-righteously opined for several years that the Democratic Party must begin to express the language of faith. Barack Obama already has found that this approach is fraught with its own perils.

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