Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Debate Reflections- no. 1

Notwithstanding whatever accomplishments Rudolph Giuliani had as a mayor (and he'll be glad to exaggerate them for you), virtually anyone following New York City politics realizes that Rudolph is confrontational, abrasive, and divisive. Thus it should come as no surprise that Chris Matthews, co-host of the Repub Presidential debate on 10/9/07 (and who has made no secret of his fondness for Giuliani) engaged in some friendly chit-chat in Dearborn, MI. with his favorite candidate. Here it is from the transcript the New York Times has made available online:

MR. MATTHEWS: Just to test your forecasting ability, Mr. Mayor, will Torre keep his job?

MR. GIULIANI: (Laughs, laughter.) God willing.

MR. MATTHEWS: Okay. Thanks.

MR. GIULIANI: Joe Torre is the best manager in the history of the Yankees, at least in the modern era, so -- and he's my friend. (Laughs.)

So now we know: Giuliani likes the American pastime, has a sense of humor, has friends (Joe Torre), and believes in God. Nice job, Chris!

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